
Dr. Sternberg currently holds the Inaugural Andrew Weil Chair for Research in Integrative Medicine and is Research Director for the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona at Tucson. She is the Founding Director of the UArizona Institute on Place, Wellbeing & Performance, Associate Director for Research of UArizona’s Innovations in Healthy Aging, and holds joint appointments at UArizona as Professor of Medicine and Psychology, Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, and Nutritional Sciences and Wellness.

Prior to joining UA, Dr. Sternberg:

  • Served for 26 years in the National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Program as Senior Scientist and Section Chief of Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior at the National Institute of Mental Health;
  • Was Director of the Integrative Neural Immune Program, NIMH/NIH; Co-Chair of the NIH Intramural Program on Research on Women’s Health;
  • Chaired the Behavioral Investigators’ Review Panel Sub-Committee of the NIH Central Tenure Committee


Television and Radio Shows:

  • In 2009, with Emmy Award winning Resolution Pictures, Dr. Sternberg created and hosted a PBS Television special based on her books: The Science of Healing.
  • Dr. Sternberg is frequently featured on television, radio, podcasts and print media including Television: CBS 60 Minutes Overtime, CNN, National Geographic, PBS, AZPM. During COVID (spring 2020) she presented 4 Public Service Announcements on AZPM on lowering stress, making your stress response work for you, making your home a healing space, and the seven domains of integrative medicine. Radio: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, NPR‘s Krista Tippett “Speaking of Faith” and “On Being”, Kojo Nnamdi, Diane Rehm, Terry Gross. Print: Washington Post, Washingtonian, Forbes Magazine, New York Magazine, Prevention Magazine, Oprah Magazine, Redbook, Shape, Tucson Lifestyles, BizTucson, Arizona Daily Star and others.

See Dr. Sternberg’s speaker bio (downloadable PDF)

Contact Dr. Sternberg

The Expert in Mind-Body-Stress-Wellness-Environment Interrelationships

Dr. Sternberg

Dr. Sternberg offers keynote presentations, public speaking engagements, and literature regarding the science of mind-body interaction in illness and healing and the role of the built and natural environment on health and wellbeing. To get in touch with Dr. Sternberg, please use this form.

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    Photo by: Ann Ramsey

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